What I do

I now offer most therapy, healing and mediumship sessions either by  Zoom online private conference room, by telephone or working remotely.   If you would like to enquire or book and appointment, just email me at [email protected].  

Spiritual healing

Spiritual healing comes under many names, but I believe that the focus should always be on taking the recipient from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.

As a healer, I believe that the more I stay out of the process, the more effective the healing can be.  I become a channel for universal healing energy.

I work closely with my Spirit guides to allow the healing to come "from Spirit, through Spirit, to Spirit".

During a healing session, warmth and tingling is usually felt moving to different parts of the body, along with a wonderful feeling of peace and relaxation.

Remote healing

When healing remotely, I connect with my Spirit team of doctors and ask for permission to work with the Higher Self of the person involved.  I then go through a series of questions and answers with the Spirit doctors to clarify what needs to be addressed.  Then I work with some powerful healing statements and use the healing techniques available to release and clear the negative energies and emotions before bringing in re-alignment, grounding and balancing.

Remote healing in this way, even when a client lives some distance away, has proved to be very powerful.  

Remote psychic energy surgery

I have a group Spirit doctors who work through me when offering non-intrusive psychic surgery. This form of healing developed over the last 18 years, with different Spirit doctors working through me, depending on the problem presented.

I find that, even though clients often ask me for this form of treatment, it is not always appropriate, as there are often underlying emotional memories that need to be dealt with first. However, I have found that it can have a profound effect on physical problems, such as arthritic conditions, back injuries, frozen shoulders and neck movement restrictions. When it has been used in these cases, there have been some amazing results.

The client remains fully clothed and conscious throughout the healing process.  Often, they will feel pulling and tingling sensations within the body as the doctor's work.  Sometimes the Spirit doctors will create supporting frameworks of energy around a weak joint to assist with the healing process.  This energy can then be absorbed into the body after 3-10 days.

For more information about psychic energy surgery, click here.

Energy diagnosis and clearing

This powerful technique deals with removing energy attachments from your aura.

Symptoms of energy attachments include unexplained aches and pains; sudden extreme emotions; not feeling yourself; feeling detached, confused, angry or anxious for no reason; night terrors, nightmares or unsettled sleep; difficulty in concentrating, or feeling washed out or unusually tired.

Things I can look for are energy imbalances, attachments, psychic attack, past life issues, soul fragmentation, negative cords and psychic hooks.  Clearing these, even when a client lives some distance away, has proved to be very powerful. In just one session, this type of therapeutic work can bring enormous benefits in releasing emotions and pain which have been infused from the entity.  

For more information, visit the Remote energy diagnosis and clearing page.

Remote clearing for homes and businesses

This is a very effective way for me to clear the energy of houses that won't sell, homes where things 'go bump in the night' and businesses where there appear to be unconscious blocks, or that are possibly being affected by the projection of negative energy from an envious competitor.

I carry out a 39 point energy diagnostic check on the home or business, and those who reside in it. I then correct all imbalances, before sending a summary to the requested the work to be done.

When working with homes, I am looking in particular for a variety of influences, including residual energy imbalances, intrusive energies, portals, vortexes, earthbound spirits and geopathic stress.

I am using this healing technique now more than ever before, as I am not limited by distance. For more information, visit the Remote energy diagnosis and clearing page.

Protection techniques

We can learn to connect with our Spirit guide or guardian angel and bring in balanced, safe and positive states, which we can then anchor using NLP techniques.

Combining these techniques in this way can help you to harness and anchor some really powerful feelings of confidence or assertiveness that are easy to use yourself at home or work.

Energy balancing

I was taught a particular balancing technique by my healing guides.  It has proved to be incredibly effective in clearing many blockages and limitations, and I have been using it very effectively for about 10 years.  

It releases energy on many levels, acts as a catalyst for self-healing and has helped to release people from arthritic conditions that have restricted them for many years.

Faster EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

This is such a simple technique which is easily taught, but ideally used with the guidance of an intuitive therapist.

The client is taught to tap on pressure points along the meridians, whilst focusing on the thoughts and feelings that put the body or mind out of balance.  

The secret is to address the core of the emotion and use the appropriate phrases to bring release and wisdom in relation to the experience.

Past life regression

This therapy is best used when there is a specific problem that seems to have resisted other treatments.

In past life regression, I can help you to resolve underlying issues within past lives that are relevant to a current problem.  Each lifetime is taken to its conclusion and I verify that the Soul is at peace before moving on.

Past life regression is also effective in dealing with past or present relationship problems by helping to resolve old karmic issues and attachments.


Trance healing

In a group situation, I bring my guides in to demonstrate trance healing, and show the different levels of altered consciousness it is possible to use whilst working with Spirit.



Online psychic and spiritual development training

I offer one-hour group training sessions which run for 4 weeks at a time, with optional homework.

During each session, I guide you through an opening prayer and meditation, followed with an exercise to develop your psychic muscles, teaching, a closing prayer and finishing with grounding and protection. 

3 question clairvoyant readings

This reading can give clarity and confirmation to 3 very specific questions that you have.  I will 'tune in' to the energies of you and your questions and send a 30 minute recording of my reading to your email address.  Please note, these readings aim to give clarity and confirmation, but will NOT tell you what to do, which would take away your free will.

Dream interpretation

With the many changes and challenges we have all been going through, it would seem we are getting some quite vivid dreams. 

Sometimes there can be a powerful message within your dreams.  Sometimes they are the unconscious mind's way of processing thoughts, fears, anxieties that bubble up and manifest as fast moving stories.  Or sometimes it can be that you have gone 'out of body' and been astral travelling, perhaps receiving insights, healing and encouragement from your guides, soul group or a universal wisdom.

If you would like some help and insight in understanding your dreams, I offer dream interpretations to help to unravel them a bit for you and bring some clarity.  These interpretations are recorded on a 15 minute audio recording and sent to your email address, with suggestions as to how to sleep better or remember more of your dreams. 

Unique personalised guided visualisation recordings

These 15 minute recordings help to set up a 'healing reference point' for the mind and body.  This is a way of recreating and anchoring positive mental and physical feeling states that you can return to as often as you wish.

For more information, visit the Personalised recordings page.