Workshop Testimonials and Feedback

Below are some previous feedback from workshops and groups. Some comments aren't named as they were submitted on anonymous workshop sheets.
"I have attended many of Peter`s workshops and every time I come away feeling inspired and amazed by his knowledge and understanding of people`s needs. Peter has also helped me on a one-2-one with some personal issues that were causing me alot of sadness and pain. After our first session it was obvious to me the changes in my life were already taking place. I cannot thank Peter enough for the help he has given me."
"I’ve attended several of Peter's workshops and I've always found them to be really interesting and enlightening. Peter is a great teacher and I would recommend his courses."
"I can't thank you enough for the uplifting workshop you gave on Sunday. The feeling of immense happiness which I experienced was wonderful and I have managed to incorporate a little more of that into my every day life. The exercises you guided us through were memorable in so many ways,"
"Healing the Rainbows" workshop
"The partner and group sessions were all amazing 10/10"
"This has really given me confidence"
"Their was a loving atmosphere and the powerful techniques were very inclusive"
"This was a lovely gentle day to tune into your Soul and spirit guides"
"Informative and nourishing"
"This was an eye opening and emotional workshop for me"
"Thought provoking and transitional"
"Spirit Guides" workshop
"Thank you for a wonderful day of learning and helping so many of us to follow our dreams. May we have the privilege to work again together in the future"
" Thank you so very much Peter! Your wisdom has connected me in a profound way with the energies I know are with me, I have learned so much and will be eternally grateful"
"Had a brilliant day, Learnt a lot. Thank you"
"Fantastic day! Great teaching style and so much to take away and build upon"
"Thank you for helping me physically, I am now ready"
"Very informative day, I've learnt so much and it's opened my eyes/mind to so much more"
"Thank you, I have learnt so much and the surgery has helped to resolved a longstanding issue"
"Thank you for a wonderful informative workshop, I am looking forward to the next....especially a Trance day"
"There are not enough words to express my just Thank you!"
"Thank you so much for an amazing day, all the techniques you have taught us brought clarity and enabled us to use them even more effectively. The Faster EFT, Visualisation with colour and shape etc, the Trance demo, Healing techniques, Pins and Constructs as well as your own inimitable energy and brilliant humour"
"Thank you so much, it was so inspiring! Hopefully see you in January"
"I felt like a sponge soaking up all the information that poured out :-) Please thank your guides and I look forward to the next workshop""Many thanks for a wonderful workshop and we are looking forward to so many more, especially trance xx"
"Dear Peter. Just wanted to thank you for another wonderful workshop! I really enjoyed it, and found the exercises both illuminating and effective. The results of the regression exercises are still very vividly with me, together with the very relevant messages that were conveyed to me from Spirit."
"Many many thanks, Peter, for all the thought , preparation and work that you and your guides clearly invest in the run-up to the workshops, not to mention the inspiring way you deliver them, and help each one of us to progress in our own individual psychic development."
"Although I have arrived home absolutely exhausted...(I can only imagine how tired you must be, Peter!) I can still feel the sense of joy and elation which the exercises filled me with. A lovely experience. Thank you." Wendy
"Dear Peter. Many thanks for last Sunday's workshop. It was a really valuable part of my spiritual development. You created a beautiful atmosphere of love, trust and safety in which all the participants were able to relax and benefit from the wonderful flow of energy. I find your guided visualisations are always an excellent way to establish contact with Spirit, and in this workshop I really feel that the link with my Guides has been strengthened and enhanced. I also feel that my own psychic gifts are gradually unfolding, and this is in large part due to the skilled and sensitive way in which you take us step by step, gaining confidence and greater insights with each workshop, always supported by the circle of Light and Love which you create. Thank you, to you and to your Guides, for the love, guidance and wisdom that you and they share most generously with us all. In Light and Love." Jane
"I regularly attend Peter’s workshops and they are always uplifting. He is a creative and talented teacher, adapting his programme to the needs of the group and the advice of his Guides. I always feel there has been something that is specifically for me and my current problems and concerns in every workshop day. The depth of spiritual connection in his latest workshop was amazing, I felt a profoundly deep and loving connection to my Guides, which stayed with me for days afterwards. Peter’s workshops always open spiritual gates I never knew existed, until they reveal themselves and I recognise them from eons ago. I always feel totally safe and energetically held in his workshops. When he speaks to the group, somehow underneath the obvious teachings there are words and revelations especially for me, and I know other members of our group feel the same.... teaching on many levels, individual, creative and deeply connected to Spirit. We are very lucky to have this compassionate and deeply spiritual teacher resident here in the South West." Liz, Devon
"I got a sense of peace and acceptance that my guides were with me. I gained the confidence to make more of a connection with them and inspiration to work with them. It was a very rewarding experience today which has allowed me to connect in a way I was hoping to. This has given me the confidence to develop my skills further. I had a very enjoyable time with like minded people. Thank you.” Jayne
"I enjoyed the day as it helped me to acknowledge certain fears and gain confidence that I was doing everything right anyway. Thanks."
"It was great opportunity to focus on my spiritual development away from my everyday life. An experience of total relaxation which I have never felt before today! The practical 'How to do' advice was fab! thanks so much.” Jacqui
"It was a very good introduction, I did feel something thank you."
"A wonderful day, thank you so much....I feel so much more confident, I love the practical experiences... Thank you." May
"Had a brilliant day! I discovered who my guides were and how to connect to them. Also the healing session was amazing!"
"Today built up my confidence with real, practical confirmation. It was a great day and recommended."
"It was a very good day, it's a blessing to understand everything." Marie
"The Gift of Channelling" workshop
"I have really enjoyed your classes and think you are an amazing healer and psychic, with a rare talent to help people at a profound level. I hope to join some other workshops of yours in the future." Pauline
"It was a wonderful day and I hope you will do more workshops soon."
"I came away with more understanding, more connection, more trust and the releasing of negativity. Others left with more confidence and faith in their abilities. .. certainly the 2 ladies i worked with. You are a wonderful teacher and guide and we are blessed to have you... Emma."
"Very interesting workshop." Karen
"Thank you Peter, I want more." Helen
"Feel more confidence...will trust..." Ruth
"I feel reassured that I can channel and therefore my confidence has risen. Thanks Peter." Linda
"Very happy, feel more knowledgeable and connected and understand my issues from childhood better." Sue
"Wonderfully relaxing! I am less worried now over spiritual performance anxiety. I am more willing to relax and let go (even if I doubt) Thank you!"
"Great new method to clear fear, self-doubt and the emotions that arise as aspects of that." Delia
"Spirit Guides and Past Lives" workshop
Spirit Guides and Past Lives workshops
"Good to be back to re-connect with Egyptian guides from long ago, now to go forward!" Sarah
"Really, marvelous, inspiring and I hope I can follow through." Naomi
"I loved the whole day... confirmation that I need to pursue the Spiritual pathway. Now I need more guidance and take every opportunity to keep learning." Jane
"I learnt to tune in again more effectively and to control the energies as they link with me. It was a great day and very reassuring." Rob
"Psychic Surgery Techniques" workshop
"Thank you for a wonderful day of learning and helping so many of us to follow our dreams.May we have the privilege to work again together in the future" Havant Healing and Holistic Centre
" Thank you so very much Peter! Your wisdom has connected me in a profound way with the energies I know are with me, I have learned so much and will be eternally grateful" Cheryl
"Had a brilliant day, Learnt a lot. Thank you" PJ
"Fantastic day! Great teaching style and so much to take away and build upon" Mark
"Thank you for helping me physically, I am now ready" Sarah
"Very informative day, I've learnt so much and it's opened my eyes/mind to so much more"
"Thank you, I have learnt so much and the surgery has helped to resolved a longstanding issue"
"Thank you for a wonderful informative workshop, I am looking forward to the next....especially a Trance day"
"There are not enough words to express my just Thank you!" Virginia
"Thank you so much for an amazing day, all the techniques you have taught us brought clarity and enabled us to use them even more effectively. The Faster EFT, Visualisation with colour and shape etc, the Trance demo, Healing techniques, Pins and Constructs as well as your own inimitable energy and brilliant humour" Granville
"Thank you so much, it was so inspiring! Hopefully see you in January"
"I felt like a sponge soaking up all the information that poured out :-) Please thank your guides and I look forward to the next workshop"
"Many thanks for a wonderful workshop and we are looking forward to so many more, especially trance xx"
"Thank you for a wonderful day. From the moment we began learning the techniques it felt like coming home. It feels like I have learnt some invaluable tools which I can apply in my daily life. The people were wonderful and Peter is such a kind and informative teacher and guide." Jo
"Helped me focus on more tools when alongside another person to help them take back their power. Excellent day, met all my expectations." Sandie
"I have had a wonderful day which has been very interesting. I have learned a great deal and would recommend the course to anyone." Dorothy
"Wonderful, invigorating, informative, with fun and brilliant knowledge. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to widen their knowledge in spiritual work." Jenny
"I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful healing technique workshop. I really enjoyed the day. The distance healing we offered to my Dad certainly worked he was full of the joys when I spoke to him later that evening! Truly amazing!" Jan
"I really enjoyed the wonderful meditation and the amazing energy from a lovely group and I can now allow myself to meditate and paint without feeling guilty, cellentthe overwhelming feeling when I met my spirit guides and soul group was extremely powerful and moving." Jacqui
"What an excellent workshop with some wonderful tools for my toolbox." Linda
"After this inspiring workshop, I have realised that others see me in a way much more positively than I see myself, it's time I realised that I am appreciated as I am." Ruth
"This workshop gave me many tools for the trade and an ability to release old baggage, I will now find time for myself. Today has given me much food for thought. Thank you! " Jen
"Thank you for the great tools/techniques to help clear the negativity and replace with positivity." Lynda
"Some wonderful self-healing experiences and group work. as always a day packed with information and spiritual upliftment. Thank you Peter, see you soon."
"A very good day, learnt lots, have to go and put into practice now. thank you." Sue
"I've got so much to take away and am going to use these tools on myself and others, the workshop had great energies and positive feelings. It has been a great day." Caroline
"It has been a very positive experience extending my sensitivity to the healing techniques Peter shared with us." Pauline
" Fabulous healing techniques which I will certainly incorporate into my treatments as a holistic therapist." Gillian
"I learnt exciting healing techniques that I am sure to use today, it has taught me so much more than I expected" Lyn
"Very inspirational workshop" Donald
"I've found a new perspective on healing, thank you" Lynda
"You have given me the confidence to change my life" Steve
"Dear Peter, what an invigorating, informative workshop. This information has clarified my thoughts on psychic healing and given me the knowledge and confidence to take this into my practice, many blessings" Helen
"You should record what you say- amazing information every time I hear you. I always get so much, vortex energy will be something I can use, thank you." Fiona
"I got real personal growth and insights from today as well as a fantastic opportunity to to share and connect with kindred spirits" Annie
"Fantastic day, I wasn't sure really what to expect but now feel much more confident to work with this if it comes up. Thank you." Liz
"Lots of relevant information and very interesting techniques most enjoyable." Jacqui